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Creative Strategy Partners

Paper Girls

Paper Girls


The fangirl community is tight-knit, revolving around its own distinct social spaces and places. Fiercely authentic and un-accepting of marketing guff, they can hold the key to early hype about a new project – but only if it’s delivered in a meaningful way that chimes with their distinct voice.


Without an existing franchise, Season One of any show is hard to promote. And with Netflix owning a major sci-fi show evoking the nostalgia of the 80’s, Prime Video had to find a unique approach to it’s new female-led time travel show, set in 1988.


Originally a cult comic book in the 2000s, we went to communities that care. We didn’t push any message but leaned into existing fan girls with aligned interests. We hosted a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’, getting the cast and director to sit down for 90 minutes to answer any question that came their way – from their first reactions to the source material and best on-set moments, to their favourite medieval weaponry and ideal type of paper.

All in all, we were able to get over 750k people to view and engage. Not bad for show with an unknown cast and an up-and-coming director.