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Why Your Brand Needs a Design Agency


Let’s start with a few things we’ve learnt as a brand strategy agency in London. Today’s audiences are demanding, expect something in return for their loyalty and want to be entertained and engaged with brands that show honesty, authenticity and creativity. It’s just a few reasons why a brand might look for help from a design agency, whether in London or elsewhere.

As if that wasn’t enough, while brand loyalty is still alive and well, it’s not simple. Today’s consumers have more choice, a shorter attention span, want to be part of a brand’s journey and story, and prefer to buy from companies they or their contemporaries have first-hand experience of.

That said, today’s consumers and Gen Z and Millennials, in particular, are exciting, educated, vocal, and hungry for entertainment, transparency and meaning. So if brands want to connect with that energy or reconnect with it, harnessing the creative force within a brand strategy agency that doubles up as a design agency is worth considering, London based or elsewhere.

Here’s why:

Your Strategy and Marketing are Past their Sell-by Date

Whether you have a 5-year plan or a plan without a deadline, you’ll know if it’s run its course if you’re not getting the same traction as before. A fresh pair of eyes and a different approach can kick start that long-overdue conversation.

Ideally, your brand strategy agency will articulate what you’re trying to get across and where and help you establish some new goals. Think of it as a much-needed creative injection.

You’re Lost in the Crowd

Social media, YouTube, Google, are inundated with brands desperate to attract their audience’s attention. Today’s brands can’t just rely on providing a superior product and hope for the best; they have to stand out and be different from the rest.

A creative design agency will draw you away from old-school methods and lead you towards a bold and inspired future, with innovative and creative ideas that bring your brand slap bang into 2021.

You’re Having an Identity Crisis

If consumers don’t understand what you are, what your messages are and what you do, it means your brand is having a bit of a crisis. Maybe your brand has lost itself in a crowded marketplace or just hasn’t caught up with the latest trends and cultures. The ideal design agency can turn around with clear visuals and copy that tells As a result, today’s your story and make it look easy.

You’ll know you’ve hit pay dirt if your brand strategy agency first focuses on getting your messages right before the fun part of getting the creatives right.

You Don’t Have Meaning

Today’s consumers expect brands to offer way more than just a fantastic logo and a few headlines. Doing just that looks like you lack substance or gravitas. Gen Z and Millennials expect a brand’s values to ally with their own. Basically, you’ve got to show some personality and have a conscience.

Combining the work of a brand strategy agency and design agency will help your brand work out what it stands for and what it means.

You Don’t Understand Your Target Audience

It’s easy to parrot that your target audience should be at the centre of everything your brand does, but harder to live that mantra in reality. If you don’t fully grasp what your target audience is about, you’re in trouble.

Working with a design agency with instant target audience access, especially to U30s, can be like finding pure gold. They’ll help your brand speak the same language as they do and be authentic.

Your Competitors Are Winning

Brands that are being outperformed by their competitors who are streaking ahead and winning all the medals are doing so because they’re not only aware of new trends, they’re creating them.

Working with a design agency from scratch is an exciting way of literally going back to the drawing board. This type of brand strategy agency will audit and research your competitors and the marketplace you’re in to ensure that each subsequent launch and relaunch hits the spot every time.

If you need some branding and design help, talk to Zak. We’re a next-generation creative agency in London that creates original ideas from cultural chaos,