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Creative Strategy Partners

What You Need to Look For in a Design Agency

by ZAK.

We’re guessing you’re here because you want a rebrand or brand launch and want a creative design agency to help you do that. That’s the easy part. The hard part is finding the right design agency, London based or elsewhere that truly gets what you want to achieve.

It doesn’t matter if you have years of experience working with design agencies or this is your first shot at it, it’s a good idea to do some due diligence. In the long run, this will save you time, money and potential stress.

So, we’ve put together a few things you need to look for in a design agency, as well as questions you should expect them to answer before hiring them.


The right design agency will be open about how long they’ve been in business, what approach they’ll take when working with you and be clear about costs. Anyone who fudges answers to questions related to these isn’t being clear. Ask the agency if they intend to visit your business to get a feel for its personality and culture.

Your design agency has to be transparent about how much the project is going to cost and keep you updated on those costs. Ask them about deadlines and their evidence-based proof they meet them.

You may already have a deadline that has to be met before you’ve even sat down at the table with a potential design agency. Ask your agency if they can meet and commit to your deadlines. Time also has to be built in for edits and changes.

ZAK is a next-generation creative agency that builds brands and creates campaigns to deadline and budget for clients that look beyond today. Look at some of our work here.


You need to see what kind of work an agency has done and measurable before and after figures about the campaign’s success. The agency’s website should demonstrate their work for individual brands and provide evidence of campaign successes and highlights.

Ask to see the agency’s design portfolio and check their social media too. See what they talk about, who they follow and whether their language and ideas resonate with what you’re looking for.

Your Input

Ask what kind of input you’ll have during any projects undertaken on your behalf by the agency. The best type of design agency wants its clients to be involved so that you’re fully part of bringing your brand or rebrand to life. Ask how often you’ll have updates and meetings to share work, comments and ideas.

ZAK likes to partner with its clients to create ambitious and brave campaigns. Take a look at our Time To Get Out Of Here campaign work with Topdeck Travel.

The Team

Ask your design agency who your point of contact will be, what their specific role in the work will be and who exactly will be on the team and what their credentials are. If those people aren’t at the pitch meeting, ask why not. You want to see and get a feel for who you’ll be working with, not have occasional contact with someone faceless who works in the broom cupboard.

ZAK’s team is just that. A team. We show up, we collaborate, and you’ll see every cog in our wheel. Look at the background story to our compelling and inspiring work for Bloom Gin.

Understanding Your Audience

We know there are literally dozens of design agencies out there who work with a massive client roster targeting all demographics and industries. However, whichever agency you go with has to demonstrate they understand your target audience, what it likes, its approach to spending, to leisure time and to current trends.

ZAK is a creative agency like no other. We live and breathe the U30 market and respond to current trends quickly. We also understand the nuanced differences between Gen Z and Millennials and their approaches to the digital world. And we have access to SELFHOOD, a global network of U30s to help us create immersive and relevant campaigns for your audience. We know that to succeed in marketing to this audience, you really have to change your mindset.


Any agreement you sign with a design agency has to be clear about who owns the work and who can use it. Remember, you don’t automatically own the work or have exclusivity around it. Talk to your agency about this to avoid any future misunderstandings.

It’s also worth asking about the ownership of fonts and images. You’ll want to ensure that everything being used in your campaigns is licensed.

Parting Words

So now you have it, all the information you need before having that meeting. It’s essential to be thorough in your approach, and it’s equally important that the chemistry is right. You have to feel comfortable with the people you’re going to be working with and always feel it’s OK to ask questions.

Want to find out more? Get in touch and say hello.