The Barbie Queue.
The promotion for this upcoming Barbie film has been a masterclass in how to absolutely shove something kicking and screaming into the zeitgeist. I should not know half as much about this film as I do, but it has become impossible to open an app, walk down the street, or take a piss without seeing Ryan Gosling’s vacant visage staring back at you. And by now we’ve been force-fed so much Barbie-based content that many people feel as if they need to go see the film just for a vague sense of closure. We are the canards, and our collective livers are fit to burst, just begging to be turned into foie gras.
And a big part of this promotional assault has come by way of over 30 brand collaborations, each targeted with a sickeningly high level of acuity informed by watertight audience insight. The Ministry of Truth at Barbie have been on an absolute mad one. And now, like Winston Smith in the final utterance of 1984, we feel no choice other than to acquiesce and admit our brainwashed love for Big Brother Barbie.
We’ll do anything you want. Just make it stop.
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