Morel Dilemma.
A shaman once said to me, “whatever problems life throws at you, mushrooms can always provide the answer”. And by shaman, I mean some bloke with long fingernails standing behind a bin. And by me, I mean I overheard him talking to the bin. However, his ramblings may indeed turn out to be sage (albeit hallucinatory) advice. And the problems and solutions we’re referring to have nothing to do with third eyes, machine elves or transcendental experiences – they’re grounded entirely in real-world pragmatism. We’ve previously seen shoes, coffins, and, just this week, houses made from mycelium, the root-like structure of a fungus. And now, it turns out that some fungi also possess qualities that can break down polypropylene (which makes up almost a third of the world’s plastic waste) in just 140 days. So, there you have it. Mushrooms: good for plastic breakdown, good for emotional breakdowns. Result. Does this mean we can have proper straws again?
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