Flipping Mental.
We’ve mentioned this lot before, but I will quite simply never tire of watching these cold, metal abominations flouncing around without a care in the world. For emotionless robots, they do swan about with a rather gay abandon. Perhaps that’s just the natural gait of a machine that knows full well it’s probably only a few short years away from rising up against and extirpating its malevolent human overlords. The last time we saw the Atlas robots from Boston Dynamics, they were dancing to a BTS song – which, while quite fun, isn’t terribly useful. And it appears that the reason they were dancing was to distract the viewer from the fact that they didn’t yet have functioning implements that could be used for grasping objects. Well, not anymore. As if these humanoids weren’t frightening enough, they’ve now been equipped with what George Orwell described as “the instrument with which man does all his mischief”: the hand. So now the Atlas robots can help out with, say, basic construction work or, say, crushing the larynx of a rival. They also do flips too – ‘cos why not.
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