Nothing tears more families apart than Monopoly – except perhaps adultery, addiction, and just getting sick of one another. But Monopoly is definitely right up there. After starting an ostensibly ‘fun’ game on a lazy Sunday, it’s easy to sink into a kind of daze before suddenly finding oneself screaming obscenities, wheezing over a recently flipped table and trying to trade your own trousers for a tiny green plastic hotel. And yet there’s a certain catharsis in completely and utterly losing your mind (and your trousers) over something so trivial. Particularly for a child, Monopoly can provide valuable life lessons – none more so than learning how to lose. That’s the concept behind Dutch agency KesselKramer’s latest campaign for Hasbro, which features some very upset children alongside a simple, clean accompanying copy line that hammers home the message. I don’t have anything funny to say about this; it’s just a really neat idea well executed. And purgation by board game feels like a fairly safe way to battle the demons, so we’re all in favour of that.
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