Hatching Plans.
Oh, what are we doing here? This’ll be the moment that historians look back on and say, ‘somebody should have stopped them’. As we enter what will technically be the fourth calendar year of the pandemic, it appears that covid will soon be the least of our concerns, as dinosaurs will once again roam the planet they once called their home. This week, scientists announced the discovery of a perfectly preserved dinosaur embryo that was preparing to hatch from its egg, “just like a chicken”, apparently. In fairness, chickens are terrifying, pre-historic beasts that should be treated with respect and caution. The embryo, which is believed to be an oviraptorosaur and has now quite adorably been named ‘Baby Yingliang’, was discovered in Ganzhou in southern China and researchers estimate it to be at least 66 million years old. That’s great – now leave it alone. We’ve all seen the films.
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