Take a cool sh*t.
Transparent toilet cubicles. Genius innovation, or everyone’s worst anxiety nightmare? The jury’s out, but the people of Tokyo are going to find out how they feel about them real soon. That’s thanks to the Tokyo Toilet Task Force (not their official name), spearheaded by Pritzker prize-winning architect Shigery Ban, along with a dozen other leading designers. Think Jesus and his 12 apostles, but with more squatting and hopefully less crucifixion. Apparently the idea behind these new bogs is to allow prospective patrons to peruse the toilet’s cleanliness before entering. Which I suppose makes somesense… Although, you could have always just opened the door and looked – but hey, I’m not about to tell Shigery Ban, Grandmaster of the TTTF, how to do his job. But suppose they really aren’t clean – now everyone who walks past has to take in that dirty protest, rather than just the few people who dare peak inside? Fortunately though, some privacy is restored when the user is actually getting down to their horrible business, as each cubicle is fitted with “smart glass” that turns opaque when the cubicle is occupied. Let’s just hope nobody ever forgets to lock the door then.
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